Arbitration and ADR International Conference 26-27 Sept 2019 in Bali

Shaping a New Law World: Engaging International Arbitration and ADR in International Business Transactions
Law Faculty of Tarumanagara University, Indonesia and Faculty of Law, University of Malaya, Malaysia will hold a joint international conference to examine the impact of new technology on international arbitration and seek to create a highly interactive environment and lively debate among arbitrators, legal practitioners, in-house counsel and academics who wish to learn more about developments in international dispute resolution and will focus on topics related to Arbitration and ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolutions).
Featuring international practitioners from various disciplines as speakers discuss the most pressing and current challenges and trends in the field of arbitration concerning Asia’s emerging markets and a welcome opportunity to examine the Asian experience in arbitration proceedings and the relationship between dispute resolution and inward foreign investment and to keep up with the latest developments and emerging trends of international arbitration as well as to discuss the finality and enforceability of arbitral awards in the Asian region.
The conference will take place on 26-27 September 2019 in The Westin Nusa Dua Bali Indonesia, and aim at an indispensable update on developments in the Asian region as well as is the most important gathering for the Asian arbitration community – a major forum for understanding international arbitration in Asia.