Matching Grant Scheme: Facilitative and Evaluative Mediation for International and PRC Disputes Training Programme

The Government has launched the Matching Grant Scheme for Skills Upgrading, which is one of the relief measures under the Anti-epidemic Fund. It aims to provide matching grants for organizing training programmes for individuals, in particular those who have been adversely affected by the economic downturn as a result of the coronavirus disease-2019 epidemic, so that they will be better equipped with enhanced skills to prepare for the economic turnaround.
Benefits of the Training Programme:
- Specialized in legal training in mediation
- Learn from experienced and renowned practitioner, academicians and professionals
- Candidates are eligible to apply for the HKIArb’s Associate membership after the completion of the trainingprogramme
- Continued legal education: FDRC, HKMAAL and
- The Law Society of Hong Kong CPD points being applied for

APCAM is supporting organisation