Web Links

We are regularly out on the Web. When we find a great site we list it.

Asia Pacific Centre for Arbitration & Mediation (APCAM)
APCAM is an International ADR centre formed jointly by about ten arbitration and mediation centres from the Asia-Pacific countries.

BASESwiki is the leading online community in support of dispute resolution between companies and members of society. It aims to demonstrate how sharing information can directly inspire better methods and greater opportunities for processing and resolving these disputes.

Bond Univ. DRC
Bond University Australia, Dispute Resolution Centre Newsletter and its Resource publication

Provides easy access to legal information for business and legal professionals not only in Indonesia but around the world. Salah satu pusat data elektronik hukum terbesar di Indonesia, mulai dari berbagai peraturan dan putusan, naskah akademik dan rancangan undang undang, analisa hingga laporan berita yang tersimpan secara elektronik, di indeks, dan dikategorikan untuk kebutuhan riset dan pengolahan ulang bagi keperluan lainnya

Ensiklopedi hukum yang ditulis secara kolaboratif: dari, untuk dan oleh anda semua. Siapapun dapat menulis atau menyunting artikel hukumpedia. Hukumonline.com group.

Information on dispute resolution
Virtual Library, These pages and the database © Michael Chapman 2005-latest update. The pages are updated.

Indonesia-Australia Legal Development Facility (IALDF)
The Indonesia Australia Legal Development Facility (LDF) was a five year project which is funded by AusAID, the Australian Government Aid Program. LDF aims to strengthen the capacity of Indonesian government institutions and civil society to promote legal reform as well as protect human rights.

Indonesian Capital Market Arbitration Board
Established by Self Regulatory Organizations and other organizations/associations in Indonesia capital market as a forum to settle any commercial disputes in capital market through out-of-court settlement mechanism. In BAPMI, the disputing parties have an opportunity to choose 3 ways of alternative dispute resolutions, those are Binding Opinion, Mediation, and Arbitration.

Indonesian Legal Information
Free Indonesian Legal Information

Lembaga Penyelesaian Sengketa Sektor Jasa Keuangan

  1. OJK
  2. LAPS SJK (Lembaga Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa Sektor Jasa Keuangan)

Mediasi – Mahkamah Agung

Mediation Training Institute Int’l Newsletter
Mediation Training Institute International is owned and operated by Dana Mediation Institute, Inc. Use the following physical address for all deliveries:
5700 West 79th Street
Prairie Village, KS 66208-4604

Mediation World
International Mediation Resources

Ministry of State Enterprises

Recordings of past presentations on mediation for Will Work For Food

Singapore International Mediation Centre (SIMC)
SIMC signed MoU with PMN on August 19, 2015

SMU SIDRA Survey Full Report 2020

The Global Pound Conference